
Installthroughcomposer·Useitasacomponent·Useitasadirective·Useitwithahelper.,ApackagetoeasilymakeuseofZondiconsinyourLaravelBladeviews.svglaraveliconsbladezondicons.Updated2daysago;PHP ...,ApackagetoeasilymakeuseofZondiconsinyourLaravelBladeviews.ForafulllistofavailableiconsseetheSVGdirectory.Zondiconsareoriginally ...,ShowalliconsfromZondicons.Zondicons.Author:SteveSchoger.License:MIT·dial......


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zondicons · GitHub Topics

A package to easily make use of Zondicons in your Laravel Blade views. svg laravel icons blade zondicons. Updated 2 days ago; PHP ...


A package to easily make use of Zondicons in your Laravel Blade views. For a full list of available icons see the SVG directory. Zondicons are originally ...

directions • Zondicons • Iconify

Show all icons from Zondicons. Zondicons. Author: Steve Schoger. License: MIT · dial ... Iconify gives you freedom to use any icon in your project. There are many ...

Zondicons • Iconify

Thousands of icons, one unified framework. Support Iconify. Search all icons.


Zondicons is an Icon Set of 297 icons. Each icon is solid, which is useful for changing icon colors. It's been open sourced with the license: MIT License.


Customizing Icons Color ... For convenience sake by default the icons will take the current color of their parent element, so the preferred way to set colors ...

Zondicon Icons by Iconduck

Plugin features: Drag and drop any icons; Search through them instantly; Click any icon to add it your design. Coming soon: Save your favorite Zondicon icon ...


Zondicons have a charming yet sophisticated personality that make their use quite versatile. Their geometric shapes lend themselves nicely to any user ...